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1  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Re: Uitslag & verslag OBK: Open Belgisch Kampioenschap kiterace Gepost op: September 29, 2015, 12:10:46

Nederlander Koen Schepers deed het ook erg goed met zijn proto type depower foil kite, won alle 4 de races! :

Being so focussed, I didn’t not know if anyone was close behind me. In the practice round I timed that after about two minutes from the start I had to prepare the first tack. Shortly before I looked behind me and saw that I was way ahead of the other participants and was also a bit further upwind! Wow, would this be my day ?! I had plenty of time to rolltack and headed full speed on the upwind buoy, leaving the others even further behind. This kite really loves the upwind tracks. The sloshing water caused me to be careful on the downwind course and I did not dare to go full speed, risking a crash. Sam, Belgian champion Formula race, took advantage on me on this course. Every race became a close call till the finish line.

For the first four races I used a concept kite, a 9m Peter Lynn Aero depowerfoil, for the 5th race the 12m Aero. Michel (our foilkites designer) and I were very tense for the first performance of this depowerfoil. It exceeded all expectations; Fast, super upwind, reliable and stable. Because they are concept kites there are still things to be adjusted, but HEY: even without it being production ready it’s already a kite to win races ! Thanks to these kites I can call myself Belgium-Dutch Champion Hydrofoil Kite Race 2015. I’m proud to be a Peter Lynn teammember and had the opportunity to prove the kiteracingworld we are about to unleash stunning new kite.

2  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Lars de Groof (14) VKWC2015 juniors: 3 july, 2015 Gepost op: Juli 03, 2015, 13:54:27
De jonge belg Lars de Groof oefent tussen zijn heats door aan zijn tricks. Gaan we nog veel van zien denk ik!
3  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Freestyle uit brazilie Gepost op: Januari 30, 2015, 15:00:14
YARON MAURA rockt hem lekker met de Escape van Peter Lynn
nieuw talentje in het team

4  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / ondertussen in zuid afrika (wave porn) Gepost op: December 16, 2014, 11:07:49
Cape town staat natuurlijk bekend het wave surf Mekka. Vliegtuigen vol kiters vertekken naar zuid afrika. Dit is wat wij als thuis blijvers missen!

Cape Town ripper Anthony Berzack has joined the Peter Lynn kitesports team. Anthony, coming from a background of windsurfing and wake boarding, was one of the first to take up kiting as a water sport in Cape Town. Now totally dedicated to wave riding, Anthony chooses the Swell as his weapon of choice. Catch him at kite beach and around Cape Town shredding the waves.

5  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Re: ijskiten Gepost op: Oktober 14, 2014, 13:51:01

Hard water kiter Chris Krug heeft al enige jaren wat ervaring met ijskiten of wel "hard water" kiten. In Amerika en Canada nog best grote met wedstrijden op gigantische dichtgevroren meren. Er zijn zelfs snelheids records!

 Nu hopen dat het hier in Nederland ook keihard gaat vriezen want het is best gaaf!

6  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Phillip op Aruba Gepost op: September 19, 2014, 11:08:49
Phillip is lekker aan het knallen

7  Nieuws & Video / Nieuws & Video / Gunnar Big at SPO Gepost op: September 10, 2014, 10:09:23

The last days in World Cup at Sankt Peter Ording where stormy.
While everyone else was on 5m and 7m kites, Gunnar decided to see how well the Fury 11m would handle in these conditions.
With a dark frontal system coming from the south and gusts of more than 35 knots blasting though surrounded by close to 50 other kiters, it was not easy to find a safe place to take off from the choppy and wavy water and land safely when holding so much power.
Luckily he loves these overpowered conditions and the Fury’s huge amount of depower and control made it possible for him to go big and get back safely before the black wall arrived.

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