Rrd FourXcess

Frank Rrd

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Berichten: 19
Oktober 06, 2005, 15:33:21
Vanuit Cumbuco/Brazilië

Rrd FourExcess 1.28/36

Damn, this board looks good!! It really looks like a custom. It comes with four fin’s (two screws per fin), 2 non-adjustable very comfortable footstraps and idem footpads and a lovehandle. You don’t glue the footpads on the board, but you attach it together with the footstraps. The board has really thin ABS flextips and a nice round and thin rail. On the deck of the board is some non slip for the boardoff’s.
I have it for more then a week now, I’m in Cumbuco/Brazil now for a few months, so I have been able to test it quite a lot.
In front of Cumbuco it’s a bit choppy, but with this board it’s still comfortable to kite there. Very controllable at high speeds, although it is choppy.
Waveriding it’s crazy, the board has so many grip and it turns so smooth! I have been in waves up to 3 meters and the board just goes on and on. It’s very easy to pop over the white water.
Flatwater, what a really, really fast board! I was doing some downloops and this board really pushes you to a higher level, it’s a lot easier then with my old board, the XX. It’s also very easy to make high jumps, due to the grip. While keeping your kite low and doing some powermoves, you just get more air and time to finish it nice.
Also important, the board don’t splashes water in your face and it only costs €599,- for which you get a really nice board! No complaints about the board at all.

Groetjes Frank

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