Talking Waves With Wind Sport Godfather, Robby Naish


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Februari 09, 2013, 15:59:36
Een interview met Robby Naish, afgenomen een aantal dagen voor KotA, over zijn passie voor watersport, KotA en de toekomst van kitesurfen:

Seth Rotherham and Marcus Brain chat to kite surfing legend, Robby Naish about the future of kite surfing and the changing face of the sport in the 21st Century.

The American was in the Mother City for the Red Bull King of the Air tournament which took place yesterday. Naish speaks of the beauty of Cape Town and his excitement surrounding the upcoming kite surfing event. He also tells of his love of fast cars and how the thrills of kite surfing only get better with age.

With Marcus Brain, Naish predicts the future of kite surfing, the challenges it faces with the fast evolving cyber world as well as who his money was on for the title of the tournament.

For the full story, click on the podcast below and listen in!

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