Ozone CL schroefjes !


Berichten: 2818
November 10, 2014, 18:28:02
Hi everyone,

We have received a small number of reports regarding the retaining screws coming loose and potentially falling out of the base of Ozone Chickenloops manufactured in Spring 2014. We are therefore asking everyone who has purchased a bar and chickenloop this year (2014) to check the two cross head stainless steel screws are tight in the base of the chickenloop body. If they have come loose, they need to be tightened before your next session and replaced immediately with screws that have been sent to distributors.

Please be aware that although these screws are not load bearing in any way and are only for locating the base plate it is a matter of safety that these are replaced and glued (loctite thread lock) immediately.

Please get in touch with the shop you bought the bar from, they will be able to supply you with new screws and if you take the bar to the shop they will be able to fit and glue them. If you find the screws missing and are near a hardware store the measurements are 3mm diamater x 20mm long, please use stainless steel screws and loctite 480.

Team Ozone


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