Adam Koch hangtime

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Berichten: 3902
November 27, 2015, 22:05:57

Uit de oude doos (2003):  Adam Koch met zijn inofficiële hangtime record - 13 sec.

The conditions were gusty, side off shore, I think it is very difficult to explain in knots. When the riders reached the beach mainly they were not able to show jumps short at the beach, because of less wind. A few meters outside on the water is was OK. I think we had between 4 - 6 bft, the first heats had only lower 4, the final heat with Kai Solbach and Jaime Herraiz had nearly about 6 bft. I guess

It was not only a vertical gust but even a small tornado or whirlwind what took him up.

That would explain the two kiteloops - or helicopter moves however - that Adam did: normally doing a kite loop the kite moves through the power zone. In this case the kite stayed up in the zenith.

I talked to Adam later on: he said he was just tryin to have a long hang time and after few seconds he thought "oh shit, you gotta land some time".

Within the price giving ceremony he received a bull horn from the PKRA for the inofficial hang time world record.



Berichten: 9651
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Antwoord #1 November 27, 2015, 23:13:11
Heerlijk uit de oude doos. Dat soort instabiele wind blijft bijzonder om in te springen, je weet nooit of je transition nu 50cm hoig word of dat je ineens een lift naar 10m krijgt.
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