The trip started at 9h from Hotel Golfinho in Cumbuco, where the kite school is based and the kite day trips start.
The participants: Emiliano an IKO instructor and Fernanda his kite girlfriend from Santiago, Chile; Alun and John, two Sud African kite surfers: Gunnar and Lisa, the owners of watersports Scheweningen in Holland: Wolfgang, a German kiter and Tony and Antonio from Marbella Spain, once in Fortaleza they meet with Jean Pierre from London and myself. We crossed the city direction East and got to the C-040, passing by Messejana, Aquiraz and arriving to Iguape village, 35 kms East from Fortaleza. The road is well signalized and paved but the speed limit has to be respected because there are several lombadas electronicas which will take a picture of your car if you surpase the 60 Kms hour, there are also several police control during the first kms of the trip.
Iguape is a small fishing village located at the upwind side of the big bay that starting there, extends all the way through the beaches of Presidio, Prainha, Japao, Porto das Dunas ( where the Kite World Cup takes place in November in Beach Park), Abreulandia, Sabiaguaba, Caça e Pesca and Praia do Futuro already in Fortaleza, ending in Punta do Mucuripe.
All this beaches reach in all about 40 kms and they are crossed by the rivers Coco, Pacoti, Catu and Iguape, giving place to 3 small but rideable lagoons, specially during the second half of the year when the rain season has ended and the action of the constant winds close the sand bars again
From the 3 lagoons, the first one is not recommended for being too close to Fortaleza and not being a quite secure area, the other two are perfectly rideable and even being small, can hold 3-4 kiters without problem, they are only reachable by the beach on a 4 wheels traction car or a buggy.
Iguape lagoon it´s inland and even being of much bigger dimensions, due to its shape and the proximity of weekend houses and coconut trees, receive mostly unstable winds, being only rideable the part that ends at the beach.
Iguape beach is partly protected on its eastern side by a huge white sand dune and a Morro (hill ending at the sea) that stops the chop and gives way to good waves, sometimes of considerable size, and quite flat water between them.
The day was blue and cloudless and at 11h 30 we leaved the kite stuff in one of the barracas (beach bars), and started to hit the water on our 10 and 12 mts kites, it was blowing ESE 17-23 kts, side shore, tide was low. coming up and perfect water conditions.
By 13h the wind was misteriously down to 12 kts and fifteen minutes after picked up again, same direction and 16-20 kts. The waves were not big but starting to get more powerful, specially near the Morro, where the water is flatter, offering great ramps to surf and carve and also to jump.
By 15 h the tide had come 3|4 up and everybody took a break to eat. Fresh lobsters, fresh fish, macaxeira, rice and salads. A great meal that, including the whole day drinks for 3 persons was about 30 euros.
After that, and as the tide was high and the waves breaked right in front of us, they were 18 kts blowing and slowly coming up again, some of the guys went for a last session.
Unfortunately the best photos could have been taken on the waves breaking near the Morro but everybody was just too busy having fun to take the 20 min walk up there. Sorry! In that part of the coast, the strongest winds blows at night and on the early hours of the day, descending with the slighty east turn they take at around 13h and the side-on direction.
In general, the opinion was that even being the wind less strong that in Cumbuco, (this day they were 30 kts at 10h and 22-24 at 15h), the water conditions in Iguape rocked!.
On our way back, a part of the crew profited to stop in Iguatemi Shooping Mall and buy presents and souvenirs for the family and friends.
Iguape Beach kite day trip. One more great riding day in your kite holidays in Fortaleza BRASIL.
For more info and reserves contact Cheers. CRIS
146 Iguape beach
185 First contact
162 Antonio
178 Fernanda
182 Gunnar
601 Wave on the Morro
1217 Riding
1223 Ridding
1234 Riding
167 Emiliano
152 Exahusted but happy
598 Iguape view from the Morro
Pics can be seen in on the forum, thopic kite day trip IGUAPE BEACH
Cheers. CRIS