Wind Catchers promote solidarity and kitesurf!

Wind Catchers

Berichten: 1
Mei 17, 2007, 01:43:14
The first WC Moving@BEACH happened last May 5th, in Nova Vaga kitebeach at Costa Caparica, Lisbon.

The purpose of this activity was to give a different day to 30 kids, letting them have the first touch in kitesurfing, which in any other way would hardly exist.

It was a success!
Lots of smiles and laughs showed the gratefulness to all the volunteers that joined Wind Catchers in this initiative.

Despite the relaxed way we handled this day, it was prepared with much dedication and care, so that all the logistic and human resources were ready when the 30 anxious kids invade the beach!

From the paramedic to the afternoon snacks, everything was carefully handled by the organization and the volunteers that gathered this sharing movement!

This Saturday is registered with some pictures and a video clip at, a day that will be hardly forgotten by the kids and all the participating riders!

The Wind Catchers thank for all the support, and promise a new WC Moving@BEACH further North Wink


Berichten: 2347
Antwoord #1 Mei 17, 2007, 18:49:11
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