Hi Andre. When you ride into Enkhuizen you follow the signs 'Sprookjesboos'. After a while you ride a road with on your left side houses and on your right bushes and you will see a sign that says 'Kitesurfen verboden'. The road will go down a little bit and you fill see two poles that restrict height. Ride under the the poles and there you will see a large field of gras.
The beach in Enkhuizen, known as the Sprookjesbos beach is forbidden, so don't go there! The only place were it is allowed is on the field. On the field there are not really rules, the only thing is be carefull when going into the water. There are little open places with wooden entry things (don't know the name). These can be slippery and in the water lay some rocks, so don't jump in to hard.
Tommorow the winddirection is good for Enkhuizen, so have fun!
More info :
http://www.hanglos.nl/asp/spo/spot.asp?spotid={FC5DB958-1BD1-409C-B7C7-8B186CBD45C9}Click on 'kaart' to see what I mean with the grasfield and the beach.