Snapped lines Naish Cult


Berichten: 13
Juni 22, 2010, 13:38:13
Hi Guys,

last Sunday, towards the end of a awesome kite-session in Ijmuiden, the left power line of my Naish 10.5m² just snapped. This was not so much fun because it was during a jump, and pretty far out... The coastguard of Ijmuiden kindly came out for a rescue. BIG BIG THANKS TO THEM!!!

Question: do you have experience in repairing lines? I still have some really old equipment but with fairly unused lines which I could recycle but was wondering about the pros/cons of doing that. I guess most importantly I have to get it attached properly to the bar and should get the length right? Anything else I want to consider?

The lines from Naish I found online are around EUR 100 and I'm not really willing to spend that much. Feedback appreciated!


Berichten: 1420
Antwoord #1 Juni 22, 2010, 18:17:06
You can resleave them, not so much work.. Best thing is to find someone who can do this for you (I´m still not confident in my own sowing skills). You can also use a knot, this reduces the line strength.. but is still a very cheap option for you.

How did your line snap during a jump? It must have been worn, because most lines only snap when your entirely in the water and steer your kite through the power zone.

Berichten: 13
Antwoord #2 Juni 22, 2010, 20:09:23
Hey Lude,

I have a hunch that the power lines were crossed once or twice (sadly didn't pay close attention), so I guess you must be right that they had some fraction... They actually snapped when I went down from the jump again, shortly before hitting the water.

Resleaving means taking a new line and putting it through the thingy at the end? I have to untangle them somewhere in a park today first... it's a real mess. I guess a knot could work also, but it feels a bit like a "quick and dirty" solution.

Thanks for the tips though!

Berichten: 1420
Antwoord #3 Juni 22, 2010, 21:27:49
A knot is indeed quick and dirty... the sleeve is the thingy at the end, this is normally stitched.

You can also ask your local kite store (where they also sell powerkites, they are more into DIY) for advise.

Good luck!
El Rudo

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Antwoord #4 Juni 22, 2010, 23:18:43
€60 for a fresh set of lines, why bother...

Berichten: 594
Antwoord #5 Juni 22, 2010, 23:37:34

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Antwoord #6 Juni 22, 2010, 23:51:03
€60 for a fresh set of lines, why bother...

where can we find them???

Berichten: 9427
Antwoord #7 Juni 23, 2010, 00:40:05
UK i think he meant
El Rudo

Berichten: 6292
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Antwoord #8 Juni 23, 2010, 10:21:55
€60 for a fresh set of lines, why bother...

where can we find them???

a bit long but for an indication...

Berichten: 13
Antwoord #9 Juni 23, 2010, 11:50:14

a bit long but for an indication...

Cool Stuff!!! What length do you recommend? Is it possible to manually shorten them without having to go through the entire home-grown sh**? Do they fit any kite?
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