Lost - orange/white Force kiteboard @ Parnasia/IJmuiden beach

Kernow kite

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Juli 21, 2011, 22:22:21
Has anyone seen my kite board?  I lost it last weekend (Saturday 16th July) along Parnassia/ Ijmuiden beach.  It is a Force brand board, orange in color on the underside (check the photo) and the other side is white and has a fulltilt sticker and half of a cabrinha sticker on it.

My email is ehone@hotmail.com or you can message me on 00447704333370
I'm working in Ijmuiden and living in Amsterdam so no problem to pick up.

Really hope to hear from you
Cheers Emily

[edit] No caplslock-titels, goog luck with retreiving your board!


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Antwoord #1 Augustus 04, 2011, 00:33:45
Hallo Emily,

We have found your board. You can pick it up every day at the lifeguard station on the beach in IJmuiden. If the station is closed, call the number on the door. Check for the address our website www.ijrb.nl
We did send you an email two weeks ago, but you havent' responded to that
kind regard,
IJmuider Reddingsbrigade

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Antwoord #2 Augustus 04, 2011, 01:13:39

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Antwoord #3 Augustus 04, 2011, 07:55:16
Wow! Die is niet ver gekomen voor de mazzelaar!

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Antwoord #4 Augustus 04, 2011, 16:12:48
Thats fantastic news, thank you so much! I didnt get the email but I will drop by and get it asap.

Thanks again

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Antwoord #5 Augustus 26, 2011, 02:55:38
Nice work!
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