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Season 1 of Naish Kiteboarding TV left us all frothing, so we're doing it again. The groundwork is laid and now it's time to step it up. The Team has been working all winter with the best filmmakers, seasoning the finest spots around the world.
Here is a little taste of Season 2...kicking off with Episode 1: XLR8 on March 20th.
DIRECTOR: Olivier Sautet RIDERS: The Naish Team KITES: 2012 Naish Kites BOARDS: 2012 Naish Kiteboards SOUNDTRACK ON iTUNES: Hunting Bears by Radiohead http://www.itunes.apple.com/us/album/hunting-bears/id326935129?i=326935405 Aerius Light by DatA http://www.itunes.apple.com/us/album/aerius-light/id426310809?i=426310826