Flyboards Razor @ Baltic Sea

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Berichten: 3902
Oktober 20, 2014, 18:07:18

Polish FLYSURFER teamrider Arkadiusz Kusalewicz cut a very nice action video with the FLYBOARDS Razor freeride directional on his local kite spots on the Baltic Sea. It's tough construction allows you to experience the kite raceboard feeling without the worries of fragile kite raceboard construction nor experienced technique.

Whether Cruising, Fun-Racing, Speeding, Slalom or Jumping, anything is possible... The RAZOR is simply fun - maximum simplicity and robustness with a pre-programmed maximum speed rush. Ride it fast!

Flyboards RAZOR technical data:
165cm length x 60cm wide x 1,6cm thickness
4,5kg all complete
For more information on the Flyboards Razor kiteboard, check out:

-edit- deze vrijwel gelijke video is in de plaats gekomen voor de eerdere op youtube die plotseling weer terug getrokken werd
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