Ten Days with LEN10 - Epi #1: Love Life!


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Mei 15, 2015, 19:44:32


Cape Town is my 2nd home and I wouldn't find it crazy if I ended up there at some point. But hey we will see!

What is for sure is that I feel very good in and around the Mother City, it gives me a lot… the nature, food, people and energy are all contributing to a great foundation. I always feel very grounded, loved and fully expressed in Cape Town, which enabled me to feel and experience the deep feelings I have for Nikki. She’s such an awesome person who makes me feel very good and she deserves to be loved to the fullest. I finally realized that in between all the hectic activities, to the point where I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Then I got a ring made and dropped on one knee, luckily she responded with a yes!! ? Nothing a couple of Red Bull Vodka’s couldn’t fix! Haha – just kiddin’

With so much love in the air Cape Town is the perfect place for riding and living. I always enjoy it and nail some of my best moves during sunset sessions. Pure bliss! The feeling I got when I landed the Megaloop 900 front was amazing, it went so effortlessly and smooth that it seemed like a dream. I love it when you commit to your feelings and fully enjoy the adventure!

Stay rad and ride hard!
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