Speed training on slalom board in La Franqui

/-||_( )|-|/-|

Berichten: 3902
September 16, 2015, 08:41:20


Two days testing some new fins from Select Fins in Leucate and two new personal bests on the PC2 slalom board and RRD Addiction 7m with 46.98 knots topspeed and 41.64 knots average on 500 meters with 25 knots of wind. The 50 knots are not so far now !!

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #1 September 16, 2015, 11:51:22

Blijven rare spots La Franqui en Leucate!
Steeds wordt aflandig met vol aanlandig afgewisseld.

Twee jaar geleden dikke golven gesurfd in 7/8 bfrt op deze spot
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