Alpinefoil kitefoil Webseries #2

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Berichten: 3902
Juni 04, 2017, 09:01:06

Alpinefoil born in the French Alps presents its favorite kitefoil spot: the Lac du Monteynard. This is the opportunity to let you discover some products of its new range of hydrofoil and board filmed in drone nearest the action. We discover some members of Team Alpinefoil including Hugo Chaboud in foil freestyle

Kitefoil Alpinefoil Titanium, Kitefoil Alpinefoil Access V2, kitefoil Alpinefoil Ultimate, but also two foil boards of the new range: the VR7 - Race 149 x 45 - 30 liters driven by Hugo Chaboud, the VR5 Freeride 142 x 51 - 26 liters

The new range of kitefoil Alpinefoil is composed of:

The VR4 Freeride convertible: 142 x 51 - no volume
The VR5 Freeride 142 x 51 - 26 liters
The VR6 Freeride Race Convertible carbon 144 x 47 - 30 liters
The VR7 Carbon Race 149 x 45 - 30 Liters
The RX-V5S Freeride 142 x 52 - 36 liters
The CX-V6S Convertible Surfkite 142 x 50 - 23 liters
The FS2- Freeride / Freestyle board 129 x 47 - 26 lites

The board of Windfoil AWF1: 225 x 78 - 127 liters

The SUP Foil Alpinefoil 8.6

The range of kiteFoil 2017
Kitefoil Access V2.07 (XLP / GT / SPORT / Wave)
Kitefoil Access CARBON (XLP / GT / SPORT / WAVE / RACE)
Kitefoil Alpinefoil Full CARBON Mat / Gloss (XLP / GT / SPORT / WAVE / RACE)
Kitefoil Alpinefoil Ultimate CARBON (High Modulous carbon)
Kitefoil Alpinefoil TitaniumCARBON (High Modulous carbon)

Material magnifique ThumpsUp

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #1 Juni 06, 2017, 15:19:26
Vreselijk mooi spul!
Prachtige video ook

Berichten: 9651
Logs: 0 | 1481 uur
Antwoord #2 Juni 06, 2017, 22:51:00
ja, nu ga ik helemaal vloeken op t weer. Wil gewoon weer foilen en dat gaat niet mer storm....

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #3 Juni 07, 2017, 08:58:57
ja, nu ga ik helemaal vloeken op t weer. Wil gewoon weer foilen en dat gaat niet mer storm....

schater schater schater
Ik was gisteren vrij, zat ook stevig te balen  Tongue Grin
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