Light Wind Test (Take the Tech Out!)

P.K. Vriend
Juli 13, 2005, 08:36:12
San Diego has proved itself as the lightwind capital of the world and to be the ideal location for The Kiteboarder Magazine’s Take the Tech Out Light Wind Kite Test!
14 manufacturers sent 22 kites for 8 riders to test over a three day period. Day one provided light wind in the 5-10 knot range and Day 2 gave us wind in the 8-17knot range. Day three is looks promising with wind expected to be in the 10 knot range. The conditions have allowed riders to test from the low to top end of the wind ranges helping to ensure more accurate feeback from the testers. The results will be released in the next issue of The Kiteboarder Magazine and here on Kite Forum. The print version is far better than the electronic version, but for those of you who have not seen The Kiteboarder. Check out the FREE download available in our archive library at View the last five issue of The Kiteboarder FREE.

Thanks to the local San Diego kiters for their support and test participants including Litewave Dave/Globerider, Slingshot, Flysurfer, Best, Naish, North, Cabrinha, Liquid Force, Caution, RRD, Wipika, Flexifoil, Gaastra and Spleene Boards. We would especially like to thank Armin Harich from Flysurfer and Rainer Kauper from Spleene Boards for traveling all the way from Germany to support the test! Please rest assured we have made this testing as politics-free as possible. The testers are average Joes and Janes who buy kites, as well as shops that represent many brands.

1e indrukken:
Just got back from Silver Strand Beach today where most ALL of the kiteboarders and new kites were there....LEI's,(countless names) Peter Lynn ARC's.... Flysurfers Speed and Phsyco II's were on demo display.

Armin and Ted (US importer) were both damned "ANIMALS" on the water, another one of the cadre was some cool dude named Lino or something and he jumps like he's on a trampoline with all the kick ass moves. Ted better watch out, he's going to have Air Traffic Control problems if an airport is nearby, he "HANGS" in the air for minutes it seems, so smooooth ! AND he's a big boy too, (220lbs of steel) he ripped on a 17M Speed. The Flysurfers were stealing the show, by all means. Second place went to the Peter Lynn Venoms, (16M) they did impressively well.

Armin is a gem of a person, he spent time with me and personally demonstrated all the safety features and re-launch capabilities of his kites. It was more than spectactular. I was a "true believer" at that point. He is so damned knowledgeable in the kites, he's very impressive. The kites are typical German, precision man !!!

I (was) a LEI weenie.... NOW im a foil dude in a big, BIG way. All the BS I was told about foils was exactly that, BS ! Its hands down, and head and shoulders above any LEI. The kites were so easy to set up Ted, set one up (Psyhco 17M) from in the bag to freaking flying in 1:30 seconds !!!

All the LEI were face down on the beach, and the Flysurfers were shredding the waves up and down wind, with maybe 10 knots of wind consistently

It was at times 8-12 knots and kinda lumpy, then 175 lbs. Lino (spelling?) took off on a 13 M Speed with a 140cm board and ripped it up in the surf !! a spectsactular display !! im sure it was much to the dismay of the LEI's who could barely get out of the breakers and minimal upwind boarding, if they could be launched at all. Lino is a foil stud of the highest order.

The Hellfish was there also...Yaaaawn...... Nothing bad to say about it and nothing good to say about it either, its another LEI but it wont stay shaped when in the launch position cuz the LE tube is so narrow. It was a 21M or there abouts, but it wasnt any better than the Cabrinha 25 monster kite being expertly flown also. Hellfish seems to be in my humble opinion, a lot of marketing hype, I wasnt impressed with what I saw in a light wind condition.

My most vivid memory of today was the Flysurfer crew out doing bitchin jumps and hauling ass all over the place and all the LEI's either face down in the sand parked or leading edge down in the surf with no hope of re-launches in that light of wind. I'll never forget it.

Kan niet wachten op het komende nummer van Kiteboarder,
zeeën van informatie, ben erg benieuwd.

Berichten: 1723
Antwoord #1 Juli 13, 2005, 09:17:06
The Flysurfers were stealing the show, by all means. Second place went to the Peter Lynn Venoms, (16M) they did impressively well.

Bij het eerste kan ik me wel wat voorstellen, FS is niet voor niets de low wind keizer, maar een peter lynn kite die beter presteert in het low end dan een machine/hellfish/contra etc? Nee, daar kan ik me weinig bij voorstellen...........

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Berichten: 1580
Antwoord #2 Juli 13, 2005, 09:28:48
was dit nou de weddenschap waar ze het en tijdje geleden over hadden?

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Antwoord #3 Juli 13, 2005, 09:54:26
Vaag? Ik heb die Venom 16m2 nu een aantal keren zien varen, en ik was niet echt onder de indruk van het low-end. Zowiezo heb ik nog nooit een PL (behalve twee kleine maten gestacked) gezien die het goed deed bij weinig wind.

Berichten: 328
Antwoord #4 Juli 13, 2005, 10:16:19
As I drove the 2 hrs from Orange County to San Diego on Monday I was thinking... why am I driving this far for no wind.
I heard from Ted Bautista & Jeffro that the wind on Sunday had been really, really light. The forecast for San Diego on Monday was even worse. It would be too hot for the sea breeze to kick in. As I drove down the coast the fog was really thick.(another bad sign for wind here in So. Calif.)
Well at least I would get to meet Armin and Ted... I was glad that I brought my 9'6'" longboard. Maybe I could get some surfing in.
Just as I got to Silver Strand at 10am a breeze had started to blow.
WOW maybe there would be enough wind to kite.

I saw the magazine folks unloading their stuff on the beach for the day's test, so I did the same. It is now about 1030am the wind is teasing at just below 10 mph. I know that I can get upwind on my Titan 21.5 and my 6 year old Litewave custom board.
I am about the 4th or 5th rider on the water. As I get out past the surfline I see Armin on the Speed 19.
I am kiting with Armin, a real thrill until I realize that I am staying upwind of him. Infact I am staying upwind of every kite on the water!

Well the day just got better and better and windier. I got to ride the Speed 17 and the Speed 13. AMAZING!
I was really impressed how the magazine folks really debriefed the riders after they rode each kite.
Another interesting observation is that the flysurfer kites didn't spend much time in the water. I saw several big LEI's that once they hit the water blew all the way into shore. I am sure that this was in part to test riders who may not have been used to re-launching the kite they were testing.
To those who have or who are ordering Flysurfer Speed's.
To those who ordered a big white silvery kite from a well known internet marketed manufacturer.

I do have some digital video that I will post soon.

wind graph of this particular day:

Berichten: 328
Antwoord #5 Juli 13, 2005, 10:24:39
Low-end van een Venom 16m is niet beter dan dat van een 14/15m tube, althans dat is wat mijn 2 sessies met de Venom mij vertellen. Beetje vaag verhaal dus (sealedlips_kitesmiley)

Berichten: 182
Antwoord #6 Juli 13, 2005, 12:24:10
Peter Lynn heeft met het ontwerpen van de Venoms de low-end aanzienlijk verbeterd t.o.v. voorgaande modellen.

Ik heb de Venom 16 nog niet gevlogen, maar wel de 19. Echt de low end heb ik nog niet kunnen testen aangezien het steeds te hard waait daarvoor. Wat mij wel op gevallen is is dat er meer "grunt" in de kite zit.

Als je geen PL kites gewend bent kun je niet na 2 keer varen het maximale eruit halen. Net zo goed als dat ik niet zo goed met tubes om kan gaan. Okey je kunt ermee varen, maar het maximale wat erin zit haal ik er nooit uit.
Je moet een beetje spelen met verschillende instellingen van de internal strap en de depowerstrap. Ik geloof er wel in dat de venoms een goede tweede waren.

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #7 Juli 13, 2005, 13:16:34
Eindelijk de feiten op een rijtje gezet.
In lichtweer wordt er korte metten gemaakt met tubes hellfish.
Wat betreft de funfactor: in lichtweer is het helemaal geen fun met een tube, ook niet met een Hellfish.
Foils zijn gewoon heer en meester in het onderste windbereik.

Een tubekiter

Berichten: 6806
Antwoord #8 Juli 13, 2005, 20:42:51
was dit nou de weddenschap waar ze het en tijdje geleden over hadden?

Stond die weddenschap nog??
De geloofwaardigheid van Best heeft hier wel een mega deuk mee opgelopen. 21 m HF niet meer te starten, en er wordt niet eens meer over de prestaties van de HF gesproken. 25m Cabrinha bracht het er beter vanaf maar ook niet om over naar huis te schrijven. Terwijl ze aardig met de flysurfers aan het rippen waren en een hoop lol schijnen te hebben gehad in  8 tot 10 knopen!! Jammer dat er geen 16 Xbow en Nova aanwezig waren. Ben benieuwd wat daar de lowend prestaties van zullen zijn.

Berichten: 1631
Antwoord #9 Juli 13, 2005, 21:08:09
Best heeft volgens mij van de weddenschap afgezien, nu geen tijd meer om dingen op te gaan zoeken, zit morgen in spanje Grin

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Berichten: 248
Antwoord #10 Juli 14, 2005, 22:30:51
Low-end venom is idd beter als vorige types. maar nog is het niet veel.....
als ik met 13 extacy volle bak heb en een maat van mij nog lang niet in 16 venom is de low-end nog niet best. want met ze 16 Vegas varen we even vroeg.
Antwoord #11 Juli 15, 2005, 19:16:12
laatst een 20m venom bezig gezien met 8knopen. best wel vet.  tubekiter
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