Hebben ze echt niet meer verstand???


Berichten: 32
Antwoord #50 November 07, 2009, 18:30:52
please do not take this personally !!

I dont will do it personally...

Here are only Facts! And the Fact is, that it was wrong to kite there.

A permission sounds good for something like that. I can say it to the guys which have organzie the kag.

It just was wrong to kite there and I dont want to excuse me. (Ik bedoel het excuus)
I (andy many others )  make a fault! ThumpDown

For my part i dont do this any more because i just want to kite there for longer time.

So lets drink a beer of two an Joepie on water.



Berichten: 1934
Antwoord #51 November 07, 2009, 19:40:34
 ThumpsUp ThumpsUp
and  spread the word to your friends


Berichten: 3323
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Antwoord #52 November 07, 2009, 20:21:20
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