TDZ: Blown out surf


Berichten: 9651
Logs: 0 | 1481 uur
Juni 29, 2011, 19:28:35

This is a session that took place along the way up the coast to Oregon. We spent over 50 hours driving and scouting out new spots. We mostly rode on 6m kites. We found crazy sandbars, wedges, and long point breaks. There is a lot of untouched coastline that is very hard to get to. The trip was pure exploration. More to come, we hope you enjoy our clips.

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #1 Juni 29, 2011, 19:36:33

Helaas weer kort. Hoop dat ze meer materiaal over gehouden hebben van deze trip
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