Zero Forecast, One Spot, 7 days of kiting - Nobile 2013 Team Video


Berichten: 2655
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Mei 11, 2013, 18:33:02

In May 2012 Nobile team want to Greek island Rhodes for photoshooting. Regardless of zero wind forecast just before departure the team decided not to cancel the trip and fly to Rhodes anyway. When Carlos, Eudazio, Jose, Mike, Natasha and Jannicke arrived to Prasonisi kite spot in Rhodes, it appeared the wind was was there and the conditions to ride were more than perfect. 7 days of kiting in Greece resulted in tons of extremely good pictures and the movie we're showing to you right now. Enjoy!

Berichten: 15917
Logs: 0 | 308 uur
Antwoord #1 Mei 11, 2013, 21:16:19
Ziet er mooi uit, die 50ty kite!
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