The Story of Standup Paddle

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Berichten: 3902
Augustus 07, 2015, 08:29:16

The Story of Standup Paddle, filmed and directed by Mike Waltze, takes us on an informative and thrilling ride into the world of Standup Paddle, or SUP. This documentary covers the little known origins of the sport and follows it’s evolution all the way up to today’s massive wave of global interest that has made standup paddling the fastest growing water sport in the world. Some of the original old timers and beach boys from waikiki as well as today’s greatest watermen share their stories of how this sport changed their lives and created a new way of surfing that anyone at any level can enjoy anywhere there is water. The film includes breath taking footage from Hawaii, Tahiti and Namotu Island in Fiji. Running time 1:10 min

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