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Het rommelt al een tijdje tussen voormalig PKRA (nu WKT) en de IKA over wie nu een officiële wereldtour mag organiseren. De Global Kite Asssciation (GKA, vereniging van alle grote producenten en merken) had daarom een deadline van 16 januari gesteld waarop beide partijen een overeenstemming bereikt moeten hebben. Deze onderhandelingen zijn inmiddels stuk gelopen. De IKA mag volgens World Sailing (voormalig ISAF) een wereldkampioenschap houden op een enkel evenement, de WKT een wereldtour.
Het is dus de vraag waar de riders en merken heen zullen gaan of dat we daadwerkelijk 2 afzonderlijke wereldkampioenen hebben aan het eind van 2016.
GKA News:
Negotiations between IKA and WKT (former PKRA and last year called VKWC) failed
The GKA issued an ultimatum to GKA and WKT until the 15th January 2016 to find a solution for their ongoing conflict. It is said to state that the ultimatum passed without a positive result. Main reasons for the unwillingness by the two parties to find a solution of the conflict for the advantage of the sport are personal reasons between the acting persons on both sides.
The GKA received a comprehensive concept by WKT of a tour planned for 2016. IKA did not hand in a concept. The WKT concept is under examination with the GKA now.
IKA as well as WKT reinforced to run a professional kite-tour each. In other words: in 2016 two tours might run parallel at the same time. WKT is sanctioned by World Sailing (former ISAF) to run a World Tour under special event status. IKA is sanctioned by WS to execute a World Championship event. Neither WKT nor IKA received the right by ISAF to call their events World-Cup.
The GKA and its member companies will come up with a decision how they will position themselves regarding their support of professional kitesports in 2016 until the 27th January 2016.
Until this date close correspondence will take place between GKA and WS (former ISAF), the event organizers, the companies which are sponsoring the majority of the riders and the spokesman / spokeswomen of the riders.
Regarding the World Freestyle Champion 2015 all results published are under reserve. Concerning the IKA results it has to be clarified whether it can be accepted that the results of the tour-stop in Skt Peter-Ording, the biggest and most important kite-contest worldwide, can be left unconsidered for the overall ranking. Besides all jurisdictional issues: in the opinion of the GKA and its associated member-companies, leaving the results from Skt Peter-Ording unconsidered is a disrespect to all riders, sportsmen and sportswomen.
Dr. Jörgen Vogt Secretary General Global Kitesports Association e.V.