Lost North Gonzales kiteboard on Oostvoorne 10/Aug


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Berichten: 2
Augustus 12, 2017, 21:13:16
On Thursday 10.August around 21:00 I lost my North Gonzales kiteboard.

I fell in deep water, not enough wind for recovery and I lost site of the board.

It was sunset (light reflection wasn't helping), enough waves so I couldn't see it. It was very low tide.

I was searching for it until nightfall and also in the morning day after but without luck.

For the finder unforgettable thanks and beer...

Fingers crossed!!!

Berichten: 9651
Logs: 0 | 1481 uur
Antwoord #1 Augustus 14, 2017, 12:23:45
David, someone found your board! Please contact them by phone on the following dutch number: (+31) 063

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Berichten: 2
Antwoord #2 Augustus 14, 2017, 20:24:15
Hi Evan, thank you for notifying me.
It is, they found it on the open see at Ouddorp day after.
Fingers crossed for other lost things to have same luck.
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