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Gelcoat is pretty easy to clean out as you've probably noticed.
They also make gelcoat spray guns, they basically have no moving parts, but
they lay the stuuf on really heavy and can add alot of weigh to the board fast.
I've ruined a touch up spray gun spraying epoxy.
My experience with gelcoat was that it didn't cover the pinholes and I purposely
didn't fill them. other than that it was a great finish and held up great.
Gelcoats come in many colors. Mahogany Company has a wide selection. Not sure if
they have an online color chart or not but you could call or email them, I'm
sure they would send you one.
http://www.mahoganycompany.com/In the catalog section under gelcoats, they say they can mix any color. You
could probably find someone in your area that can do this.
Erik Lassen <erik.lassen@g...> wrote:
I've used Gel coat and it works great. I spray it after thinning it
25% with Acetone. It is thick enough I had to buy a new nozzel for my
gun. The first time I sprayed gelcoat I used my atomotive gun with a
1mm orifice. After being frusterated, I bought a 2mm orifice and it
worked awesome. Gel coat is thick enough to fill pinholes, and
tougher then paint. Only hassel is you have to work with it cold, or
fast becuase I read it will ruin your gun if it sets up in it. I have
done 4 jobs now and love it. Much better then painting. The gelcoat
can be sanded and polished after your spray it on, and if you keep the
coat light you really don't gain hardley any weight. In my opinion it
is much easier then autopaint, which is too fragile and thin. My auto
paint schedule went like:
Fill pinholes
-prep sand
-Prep sand
final Paint-
-finish sand
Gel coat is
-Finish Sand
I don't polishing my boards anymore, but the first one I polished with
rubbing compound and it turned out just as shiny as my autopaint
boards did. I used the Seafit brand gelcoat ($30 qt from west marine)
vs ($70 qt paint $30 qt primer $50 qt clearcoat)
After my first paint board I was frusterated with the time needed to
make it look awesome. Now, with the gel coat, it is tougher then the
paint, cheaper and faster. Only downside is that I have only found
only 8 primary color pigments for mixing in the gelcoat. You should
try it
klinkt wel goed!