Cabrinha Overdrive 1X (2015)
De 2015 Cabrinha Overdrive 1X in het kort.
Depower on Demand
Internalized Lines
Low V
Soft EVA ends float entire bar
Recoil Trim Adjustment
Overdrive™ bar ends adjust a full 8cm in length
Incredibly simple activation and resetting of the QR
The 2015 Overdrive 1X QuickLoop™ control system is a fully adjustable control bar featuring our all new QuickLoop™ opening harness loop. QuickLoop™ is an opening harness loop connection designed to work specifically with our 1X single line flagging security system. QuickLoop’s™ defining feature is its ridiculously simple operation of our 1X security system. Upon activation of 1X’s single line flagging system the power of a kite is immediately killed and it will rest motionless on the water or land. The incredibly easy reconnection of the QuickLoop™ harness loop is now the new benchmark in the industry for simplicity. The all new Overdrive 1X security system now has a cleaner method to manage the 1X security line. We have removed the external 8meters of security line to create a simplified lower V connection. The 1X line stopper is integrated into the centerline adjustment strap.
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Cabrinha Overdrive 1X 2015
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