Accessoires - Kite Gear - GUL Enforcer Drysuit 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

GUL Enforcer Drysuit (2012)

Enforcer Drysuit (2012)

De 2012 GUL Enforcer Drysuit in het kort.

Featuring a new colourway and geometric graphics for Winter 2012, the Enforcer Drysuit uses Guls GCX4 breathable, waterproof and hardwearing 4 layer fabric. The back opening features a superior quality waterproof TIZIP zip and storm flap, whilst Glideskin neck and cuff seals, and neoproene outer ankles with webbing foot straps provide a comfortable, functional fit. GCX4 Breathable, waterproof, hardwearing, 4 layer fabric, 100% waterproof heat taped seams, Tough TIZIP Back zip, Glide skin neck and cuff seals, Adjustable Neoprene outer cuffs, Easy-grab hook and loop cuff adjuster,Latex ankle seals,Neoprene outer ankles and Webbing foot strap,Articulated arms and knees,Elasticated waist,Arm pocket with drainer,Internal adjustable braces.

Your suit has been made from carefully selected materials to give the best combination of durability and performance. With the correct care you will gain the maximum life from your suit. Always rinse your suit after use, in clean water using a mild detergent if necessary. Pay particular attention to remove any sand or foreign matter from the zips. Please don’t use any solvents or other chemicals to remove stains or marks from your suit as this can cause damage. Do not force zips and if possible get someone to pull up the zips for you. Protect your suit from sharp or abrasive objects. Ensure the suit is the correct size and do not pull the ends of sleeves or legs to remove.

M Broad


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