Accessoires - Kite Gear - Gaastra Gaastra BarX v² 2013 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Gaastra Gaastra BarX v² (2013)

Gaastra BarX v² (2013)

De 2013 Gaastra Gaastra BarX v² in het kort.

If precise kite control and superb safety is what you need, look no further than the Bar System X2. It is a technically perfect system with top of the line parts, tons of functions to serve all your kiting needs. It works with all Gaastra kites as well as most all other brands on the market.

This all in one bar serves all Gaastra kites and most other brands as well. You can tune this bar perfectly to your needs. Adjustable bar width and line length set up topped by the unique shift adjuster that allows you to depower and adjust the range of your kite depending on conditions.
  •     Standard Bar Setup: full power=> all lines same lenght
  •     21 or 24m lines (3m extensions)
  •     46 or 52 cm bar width
  •     HD Bar with metal center
  •     Shiftadjuster for depower-/adjuster range setup
  •     Rope Clamp to avoid tangling
  •     Easy change from 4 or 5 line setup
At the center of the Bar System X crowns the Magnetic Quick Release (MQR), a marvel of technology. This revolutionary Gaastra quick release is made to give the rider confidence in the safety technology. There are no moving parts and the magnets ensure that the release stays closed providing absolute security against accidental openings. The safety connected frontline is indicated at the top, so you may choose which side the kite falls in a safety release situation.
Once you release the system, it ensures the kite is flightless even in 4 or 5 line setup. Relaunching is not a problem. Reassembling is easy.
  •     MQR2: the ingenious QR for best safety got even better
  •     AUTO TWIST Bar System: lines stay sorted!!!
  •     HD leash with LQR (Leash QR)
  •     High end quality material for best lifespan


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