Accessoires - Kite Gear - Mystic Youri Zoon LTD 2013 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Mystic Youri Zoon LTD (2013)

Youri Zoon LTD (2013)

De 2013 Mystic Youri Zoon LTD in het kort.

To celebrate YZ Winning the 2012 PKRA Mystic released this harness in his honor. Designed by the world champion himself, it's packed with all the features that he most vaules in a harness including the memory foam and pre-curved back support now used in Mystics top of the range Majestic Harness.

Memory foam back plate - Moulds and cradles your body providing even support around your core and reducing pressure points.
3D moulded foram interior and exterior: The anatomical precurved back support is positioned inside and outside of the harness and gives a contoured shape in horizontal and vertical directions. The back support is connected through the continuous 40mm webbing connecting the spreader bar at the front which ultimately spreads the loads in a full 360 degrees around your body.

YZ PRO LIMITED Release Handle Pass System: Handle Pass System with a PU tube. This has a safety release on the right hand side allowing the use of safetyless leases for those extra tricky handlepasses or as a backup to your standard leash safety.

Spreader Down Sytem - Holds the spreader bar down firmly, protecting your ribs in those nasty wipe outs!
Spreaderbar protector - The pad reduces pressure on the chest and stomach and helps prevent injury
Quick release Clickerbar 3.0: 100% Safe and super easy to use, put on or release your Mystic Majestic harness in one simple click
Safety Knife: Cuts flying lines in an emergency
Luxury carry bag: Keep your harness in perfect condition with the faux suede gold embossed mystic bag


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