Accessoires - Kite Gear - Prolimit Kitewaist Pro 2010 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Prolimit Kitewaist Pro (2010)

Kitewaist Pro (2010)

De 2010 Prolimit Kitewaist Pro in het kort.

Neoprene Soft Edge
To prevent edge tension, rash and discomfort when using a waist harness, we developed the neoprene soft edge. The inside and outside skin of the harness feature a lycra covered neoprene edge that flexes easily and covers the traditionally abrasive edge of the harness.

MPL Spreader bar System
A new bar system with Multiple Load Point system that spreads load forces evenly through the harness, creating a more comfortable fit and a better and stabile bar position which prevents riding up of the bar in all conditions. Ofcourse including our unique and patented pin release bar construction.

Kidney Belt
All our waist harnesses are equipped with a Kidney neoprene belt. Our stickflex body control belt is designed specially for windsurfers/kitesurfers with a tighter fit, less movement and greater control. It is well known in various other sports that a kidney belt supports your kidney¹s. This makes you less tired and keeps you healthier. The wide neoprene belt is specially designed using a unique combination of neoprene & ski material for a perfect fit and additional warmth.

Floating pillow
Prolimit introduces SHAPE & TECHNOLOGY systems. The internal 3D shaped board is on the exterior of the harness leaving the inner pillow supporting for a 100% your back. The Floating pillow will adjust it's height automatically to your back.

Dual webbing bar
PROLIMIT is the innovator regarding Kite Specific harnesses. The Dual webbing spreader bar is a unique Prolimit product. It prevents the spreaderbar to ride up, distributes the load evenly to the lower part of the harness and four heavy duty webbings are stronger than only 2. The unique pin release if ofcourse also integrated!

Dual Foam System
Developed in conjunction with our 3D Shaping, the dual foam system focuses on further distributing any pressure evenly over the harness area. Comprising of two layers of dual density foam, the inner layer of medium density foam forms to the bodies' specific contour, while the higher density outside layer absorbs the primary load from the reinforcing plate. This system means we can reduce the thickness of our reinforcing plate, which once again increases mobility

An intergrated barpad prevents the spreaderbar ends from riding up into you ribs.

3D Thermo Molded Pillow

3D Shaping System
A standard feature with all of our models, our 3D Shaping system allows the harness to mold perfectly to your body. On our seat models we did this by combining horizontal and vertical shaping with our unique Dual -Axis Contour cut. On our waist models we have two horizontal cut seams to curve the harness to your waistline. Together with our Dual Foam System this ensures that the harness fits snuggly to the sailors body and maximizes load distribution through the entire harness skin

3D Molded Foam
For further refinement in the shape and fit of our harnesses we have developed 3D Molded Foam Technology. This allows us to optimize the shaping in certain sections of the harness that would not be possible with traditional seam shaping.

The Kitewaist Pro features Prolimits hybrid construction. 3D moulded outside and a floating nylon inner skin with a molded pillow. New integrated slide-in bar pad. Performance: High back support.


VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Funsport MakkumMakkum
Funsport van VlietZoetermeer
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
Siem de JongDelft
Van BellenWillemstad
KiteoutletLaren (NH)

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
M 21 21
76u 3:37u 9 kn 15.1 - 22.6 kn 38 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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