Boards - Kite Gear - AERO boards Aerosnap 2013 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

AERO boards Aerosnap (2013)

Aerosnap (2013)

De 2013 AERO boards Aerosnap in het kort.

AEROSNAP _ 5.7 / 5.10

The AEROSNAP is a surfboard that likes to be ridden fast and hard. It can handle the forces of riding with a kite with a lot of power, either strapped or unstrapped. It also features a fast rocker line that blends from the centre to the tail giving this board off the chart speed while maintaining perfect control. Whether you ride it in large powerful surf or you ride it fast in small beach breaks, the AEROSNAP can be put on a rail and pushed for immediate and powerful results. The AEROSNAP is an ultra-light weight, very lively board with a generous amount of flex and response. This board is a perfect balance between incredible high performance and long lasting durability.



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