Brunotti Bumblebee (2009)
De 2009 Brunotti Bumblebee in het kort.
The Bumblebee is a unique kite wave-surfing board. The progressive rocker line in conjunction with the proportionately thin (16 mm) volume allows for unprecedented control in wave riding. The Bumblebee has been designed for typical “real-world” wave conditions, but also for pure, down-the-line wave riding.
A single concave hull ensures the board planes early and remains “loose” on the water. A thruster fin set up on the tail makes for even more grip with bottom turns and cutbacks on the wave face, and on the nose of the board two small, central fins allow for control during “fakie” or “switch” riding. These front fins are placed clear from the rail so as to stay clear of the water when charging through bottom turns. Symmetrical footstrap placement ensures comfort for riding both goofy or regular.
The Bumblebee provides unprecedented performance and comfort for riding waves with a kite, and tracks upwind like a rocket.
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Brunotti Bumblebee 2009
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