Cabrinha Surface to Air (2002)
De 2002 Cabrinha Surface to Air in het kort.
The Surface to Air brings freestyle trick riding into the directional arena. Freestyle tricks withdirectionalshave evolved to the point that even some of the hardest corewakeboarderswill have a directional in their quiver. The Surface to Air, with its low volume and Step Rail™ design is as comfortable edging along at high speed as it is flying through the air. Its quad fin design lets the rider use the finsto load up the rail for jumps or to help control board speed by "checking" the rail. The balance of the Surface to Air makes rotating through any type of trick or spin a piece of cake.
WHAT IS A STEP RAIL? The Step Rail concept is a Cabrinha original which made its debut on the Surface to Air models. The step rail shape is a unique way of allowing the necessary volume or thickness of a board while having the optimum thin rail for edging. In other words it is the perfect combination of buoyancy and edge control.
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Cabrinha Surface to Air 2002
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