Boards - Kite Gear - F-One Acid 2011 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

F-One Acid (2011)

Acid (2011)

De 2011 F-One Acid in het kort.

The Acid is a New-School freestyle board.
New for 2011, we added on the acid the Twist Cross Control technology that F-One introduced in 2010 on the Trax.
The cross is the perfect add-on to the acid double concave bottom.
The cross gives the board better control when edging and landing tricks.
The pop is more aggressive, precise and effective without taking away from the comfort and flex of the board.
The new and patented unibox system and reponse fins have a radical effect on the new Acid: their extremely light weight distributed at the tips of the board allows for easier rotations; the asymmetrical profile improves the general ride and early planning. However, it is the flex of the response fins that gives amazing rail-grip as well as pop and forgiveness on heavy freestyle landings.
The fins actually twist under pressure which alleviates pressure at the same time as keeping control.


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3 Reacties
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    surf op 27 February 2012 @ 18:36
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
  • Evan op 27 February 2012 @ 18:50
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    Kun je niet beter reageren op de daadwerkelijke advertentie?
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    op 29 February 2012 @ 08:24
    Meld dit bericht aan de moderator
    You tell 'em, Evan. image
    Trouwens, 2011 Acid voor €200 en dan nog gaan vragen naar uiterste prijs.... image
    "Surf" is een Zeeuw denk ik.
Je dient eerst in te loggen voor je een bericht kunt plaatsen

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