Boards - Kite Gear - F-One Surf 2010 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

F-One Surf (2010)

Surf (2010)

De 2010 F-One Surf in het kort.

SURF 6'0''

Its a polyvalent board that can be use with or without strap and in pure surf. It is slightly longer for better control when strapless.

Showing the same qualities as the 5’6” it fears no waves! Its lengh and 46 cm wide allow you to use the kite at minimum in your surf.

It is also a great board for strapless cruising in light wind conditions. Its overall volume and its 46cm wide helps out a lot in the jibes.


t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
Natural HighHellevoetsluis
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Fly HighNoordwijk aan zee
Intersurf SneekSneek
Kite Shop TwenteOverdinkel
KiteoutletLaren (NH)
Kitesurfwinkel.nlBergen op Zoom
Kitesurshop HaarlemHaarlem

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