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F-One Trax 8 (2013)

Trax 8 (2013)

De 2013 F-One Trax 8 in het kort.

De Trax 8

The TRAX has always been the backbone of the F-ONE boards range. True laboratory for the development of our entire range, the TRAX 8 is once again at the forefront of innovation with a focus on what we do best, both in terms of design and technology.
Its double concave V-shape which varies in its length and allows a very early planning and an excellent ratio up wind / speed.
The ideal curve of its rocker makes it a highly versatile and high performance board. The TRAX 8 adapts to all conditions.
By using different core thicknesses on its length, we have brought more flex to the tips. 
When riding, it provides a better control and more comfort. It reacts fast, the grip on edging is straight and direct to ease the jumps. The shape of the deck is very elaborate. It has a 3D CNC machined cross in the wood core and layered with carbon, providing an ideal ratio weight, stiffness and flex. 
The TRAX is extremely effective on the water, it is light, responsive and stable. Even if it is geared toward freestyle, the TRAX 8 still offers a wide operating range where it excels in all kiteboarding disciplines. A board of character which gives all its energy back. It makes the difference in its gliding and early planning ability. 
The practice of freestyle is evolving, more and more riders are looking for wider boards. Having recognized this trend, F-ONE has developed a special 42cm wide model made for freestyle, while being a great answer as well in light wind conditions.
Twist Carbon Control
The Twist Control, or Twist Carbon Control on certain models, allows to manage the board’s twist and transversal reactivity. Depending on the model, this cross-shaped structure is either an add-on or cnc-machined directly into the mass of the wood core. Using it is also a guarantee of a better control whatever the water conditions. TC & TCC can also optimize the ratio weight/rigidity and weight/reactivity.
V Double Concave
The V shape you can find on the TRAX is variable along the board. Smaller in the center, the V double concave is at its max under the feet, and eventually disappear at the tips.
Direct Drive
The Direct Drive technology is present on our boards since 2001, and refers to a board with minimal thickness, a 100% wood core and a 100% fiberglass envelope. These interlocking elements meet the F-ONE standards for a kite board and provide maximum durability. The Direct Drive translate into a precise board, quick and active as it erases the flaws of the water surface, collecting its energy and giving it back for the best performance. The feeling of riding a rock solid board always in contact with the water without suffering from it is even greater.
Dynamic Flex
Flexibility and impact absorption are synonymous with comfort; however comfort does not mean sacrificing control and performance. It is difficult to reach this compromise, and this is the main reason behind the development of the Dynamic Flex, which can absorb the chop, without compromising the control and edging.
Wood Core
The wood forms the heart of your board and gives it most of its mechanical properties: strength, flex and resilience (ability to return to its original shape). Each year, in order to master these properties, we seek to optimize its distribution, particularly in terms of thickness.

The patented UNIBOX system and RESPONSE fins have a radical effect: the asymmetrical profile improves the general ride and early planning. However, it is the flex of the RESPONSE fins that gives amazing rail-grip as well as pop and forgiveness on heavy freestyle landings. The fins actually twist under pressure which alleviates pressure at the same time as keeping control.


t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
Natural HighHellevoetsluis
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
VandenBerg SurfHoorn
Fly HighNoordwijk aan zee
Intersurf SneekSneek
Kite Shop TwenteOverdinkel
KiteoutletLaren (NH)
Kitesurfwinkel.nlBergen op Zoom
Kitesurshop HaarlemHaarlem

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
138/42 cm 10 9
49u 4:56u 5 kn 13.8 - 19.9 kn 30 kn
136/41 cm 35 35
115u 3:17u 6 kn 14.3 - 23.8 kn 47 kn
134/40 cm 256 209
610u 2:22u 9 kn 17.5 - 25.0 kn 46 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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