Boards - Kite Gear - Fanatic Eastwood 2006 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Fanatic Eastwood (2006)

Eastwood (2006)

De 2006 Fanatic Eastwood in het kort.

These Boards are designed to introduce you to kiteboarding as fast and easy as possible. Its straight forward design features are the warrant for a hassle free entry level kiteboard. Early planning, very good upwind capability and last but not least the easiest handling possible make these boards a lot of fun for all entry level kiters.

The very rugged construction will be the guarantee to enjoy your board for more than one season and will prove a solid investment for any kite school, too.
Intermediate kiters looking for a real light wind weapon also should have a closer look on our Eastwoods.

145 => for light weight beginners and all riders looking for a light wind board
152 => for all beginners and heavyweight intermediate riders



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