Boards - Kite Gear - Flyboards FlyDoor M 2009 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Flyboards FlyDoor M (2009)

FlyDoor M (2009)
FlyDoor M (2009)FlyDoor M (2009)

De 2009 Flyboards FlyDoor M in het kort.

Our bestseller in the FLYDOOR range!
It offers riders with intermediate weight great light wind performance, combined with good control in gusts thanks to optimised flex zones.
The board is still narrow enough to ride switched or blind with ease.
To make the board this agile we have changed the fin setup compared to last year's model to a classic 4 fin setup.

The concave bottom helps to get even better upwind performance which makes the Flydoor M the best recommendation for riding course races with comfort, and for all riders who hate jibing a big directional race-board.

For a two-board quiver the combination with a FLYRADICAL M or S will do the trick.
This allows you to ride in any condition, anywhere you want.


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Vliegers en CoDeventer

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