North Kontakt (2010)
De 2010 North Kontakt in het kort.
Building on the success of last year's Kontact series, the new 2010 Kontact is back again as a no-compromise up-size board that is most suited to solid, pumping surf. Let's face it; Kiting allows you to ride with more power and speed than any other form of surfing, so why not take advantage of it? With its rounded pin-tail, gunny outline and low tail rocker the Kontact is incredibly predictable and drives hard off the bottom like no other making it perfect for the most aggressive riders who like ride with speed and power. The board of choice for team riders Sky and Dreu in most conditions, this board holds a rail in even the most extreme and choppy conditions and will never let you down in a high speed turn. Thin rails give the Kontact a lively and positive feel under your feet and the single concave throughout helps carry you through a turn and accelerate up the face. Whether you're charging big waves or using the kite to whip yourself through high speed carves, look no further than the Kontact!
"When it starts getting really windy or the surf gets over 6 feet, I'm on my Kontact. It's got such a solid feel and accelerates harder you push it. Great for strapped riding, feels nice and lively and gives me all the control I need at high speed." -Sky Solbach
Finnen: Small = Pinhead: fast and snappy for lighter riders Large = Fathead: lots of drive and grip for heavy riders
Sizes 5'9" x 17 1/8" 6'0" x 17 1/2" 6'3" x 17 7/8"
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North Kontakt 2010
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