Boards - Kite Gear - North kontact 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

North kontact (2012)

kontact (2012)

De 2012 North kontact in het kort.

The fourth generation Kontact remains a staple of the NKB Surf Range and a powerhouse board in a class all its own. The Kontact is ideal for riders looking to ride bigger and more powerful surf, however due to itscontrol-oriented nature, the Kontact is also a great choice for riders who want a board to handle strong wind and choppy water with ease and comfort. The 2012 model features the same popular rounded pintail but now has a slightly shorter and fuller outline than last years’ model anda moderate single to double concave to improve turning and release.


6’1” x 17 ½” x 2 1/16”

5’11” x 17 ¼” x 2”

5’9” x 17” x 1 15/16”



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