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Ocean Rodeo Duke (2016)

Duke (2016)

De 2016 Ocean Rodeo Duke in het kort.

Now with quad fin option!

Fear not! For version 2.0 we’ve left the magic shape and construction techniques untouched, but added a few nice surprises.

The first version of Duke blew the doors off our expectations and those of our customers. Launched in 2015, the Mako Duke was a fresh take on a directional kiteboard and borrows heavily from design teams many years of surf, kite and windsurf experience.

The Duke’s deep Mako concave ensures this board rides smoothly over the chop, reducing nose chatter often associated with other directional boards. The concave also helps the Duke rip up wind and leads to a much more stable board with a massive sweet spot, good for transitional footwork and landing tricks.

The Duke can be setup with 3 distinct fin setups, each give the board a unique character. In tri fin mode ( one center fin, two side fin near the tail) the Duke becomes a flat water chop strapless freestyle machine making sliding moves and reverse landings easy. For more bite, move the side fins up one for true thruster setup, snappy pivot turns on the wave face. When the conditions are really good, we like to crank up the fin count with the quad set up. The Duke in quad mode is a pure delight for the dedicated wave rider, fast down the line allowing deep hard driving carves. The quad fins also get you back up wind faster, letting you ride the board flat and fast while you search for the next bomb.

Up top, the full EVA deck has been thinned out to eek a few less grams of wieght, while texture and hole pattern have been refined improved grip.

The Duke: The world’s first, fully rethought, kiteboarding specific directional.

Length – 165 cm by 47 cm (5’4” by 18 ½” )
Volume 25.3 Litres


StormchaserHoek van Holland

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