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RRD Placebo (2011)

Placebo (2011)

De 2011 RRD Placebo in het kort.

RRD has become one of the most acclaimed kiteboarding gear manufacturers today. Their team of skilled professionals out a lot of effort and passion in the research and development of any new kite, board or any accessory to make sure it will offer no compromise performance. The 2011 Placebo V3 is based on this concept and it is intended to take freestyle and freeride to a whole new dimension. It is fast, powerful and offers top control. With it you don’t have to go back to the beach to switch boards if you wish to switch styles.

The Placebo board from RRD has been around for some while and it has proven to be an excellent freeride and freestyle board. Riders all over the world appreciated the performance it offers in all conditions. Since the board was such a hit, RRD team has decided to continue the legacy in 2011 with the new Placebo V3. The board borrows features from the previous models, but it is built on a new technology and enhanced to be even more efficient.

The RRD Placebo V3 is powerful and fast, it features a direct and accurate control and has plenty of pop. At the same time it is user friendly and easy to use in any conditions, so it can be used by any rider out there. The Advanced riders will love the high jumps, extra hangtime and fast speed, while beginner riders will appreciate the increased stability, easy maneuverability and the confidence it gives them to try new tricks. The board offers performance and fun at the same time. It can be used for competitions or just for a recreational cruise.

The Placebo V3 has a compact and hydrodynamic shape, with curved outlines. This feature provides a fast and smooth glide and increases the turning speed as well as the early planning ability. The rocker line assures nice acceleration and top speed, while the ABS rails allow the rider to steer the board without effort. He can perform any trick, while he has total control over the board. An extra power boost is provided by the pinched in tip design. The board uses a deep concave bottom design. This way it takes maximum advantage of the water flow, it offers an optimal power release and has increased stability. Even at top speeds or in high winds it feels steady and it is easy to control. RRD has used a totally new construction technology for 2011.

The Placebo V3 uses a Laminar Wood core and ABS sidewalls crafted using snowboard technology and features a Crystal polished deck and matt DC bottom. This structure balances very well the strength to weight ratio and assures excellent flex response. The RRD Placebo V3 comes in six sizes, and each size features a different color scheme.


Euro Funcenter OostvoorneOostvoorne
Euro Funcenter ZevenhuizenZevenhuizen
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
Jonker FunsportsRenesse
GearFreakKatwijk aan Zee

Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
138/42 cm 40 40
88u 2:11u 10 kn 15.6 - 20.6 kn 29 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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