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Spleene RS Line (2013)

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RS Line (2013)

De 2013 Spleene RS Line in het kort.

How do you define a radical kiteboard? By combining apparent contradictions. More performance with more control. More stability with less weight. As a result Spleene rs-boards always provide the maximum output. This applies not only to the board.
Also you as a rider will show a significantly improved performance. However, the rs is not only about performance. It’s also about how easy it can be called up and controlled. The result will convince you.
The Design Features:
+ Advanced Jet Bottom Technology: This Shape-Detail describes a double concave channel on the base side of the board. 
+ Beveled Rail: lateral lifting of the rail for softer rides in choppy water.
+ Carbon-X Layer: A diagonally arranged carbon stripe eliminates torsion and generates clearly more pop at the rs boards. 
+ Dynamic Flex Control: The layers of the fibreglass are seperated in zones and decreasing towards the tips. 
+ Full Center Rail: The more solid edge in the centre of the board prevents effectively from miscutting. 
+ Progressive Scoop-Rocker: For really early planing and riding easily through lulls. 
+ Stepless 3D Deck: Stepless 3D-Shape on top side. All transitions are without any step. This results simultaneously in a clear reduction of weight. 
+ Twin 3D-Woodcore: All Spleene Boards are produced with a form-glued, CNC-milled woodcore. 
Full info of Technology Boards you find here


Jonker FunsportsRenesse

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