Ten Kiteboarding The Mark (2017)
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De 2017 Ten Kiteboarding The Mark in het kort.
Grip: unparalleled.
Upwind: ridiculous.
Big air: personal record-breaker.
Control: like no other.
Fun: guaranteed. (comes standard with all TEN products)
While boosting bigger and further every year we were asking for more than current twintip models could deliver. We were looking for a board to handle high speed, high pressure and high impact on a different level.
So we redesigned the twintip.
The Mark is designed and fine-tuned around a 5th fin on the heel side rail. This 5th fin combined with a channel provides unparalleled grip and upwind capabilities with a surprisingly lively feel!
We believe you can’t buy a more suitable board to boost big.
Especially those riding high performance (race/freeride-) kites to shatter the WOO-charts (or the ambitious ones) will feel that the Mark is the missing link in firing all that power at once.
It’s not the potential the Mark unleashes what makes our adrenaline pumping… It’s the control to finally use all of it.
The Mark is truly an exciting new breed of twintip.
Typical Mark lovers:
Freeriders, airstyle acrobats, old schoolers, performance addicts and human cannonballs
Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht
maten |
sessies |
dagen* |
uren |
tijd gem |
wind min |
wind |
wind max |
135/40 cm |
1 |
1 0.1% |
2u |
1:30u |
17 kn |
17.0 - 20.0 kn |
20 kn |
132/39 cm |
63 |
62 5.7% |
157u |
2:29u |
10 kn |
19.3 - 26.2 kn |
50 kn |
*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.
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Ten Kiteboarding The Mark 2017
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