Boards - Kite Gear - Xenon Boards Infra 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Xenon Boards Infra (2012)

Infra (2012)

De 2012 Xenon Boards Infra in het kort.

The 2011 new arrival has definitely joined Xenon range for good.
Designed to meet the expectations of strong-willed new school fans who dig flat water and target maximum pop.
Infra is the stiffest board in our range but only in literal sense! Otherwise it's bold and sharp in shape to maximize its performance.

Compared to Infra 2011 the 2012 one's construction was redesigned to ensure it's decidedly lighter and way more lively and skatey thanks to bigger rocker. The new top sheet material makes Infra almost shell-proof – just try to scratch it!

The straps were also altered to be simpler to mount and more comfy for your feet. The inside part of the strap is wrapped with double neopren coat for additional durability and ease.
Redesigned EVA moulded pads for more grip and control


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