Boards - Kite Gear - Xenon Boards Rayo 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Xenon Boards Rayo (2012)

Geschikt voor beginners

Rayo  (2012)

De 2012 Xenon Boards Rayo in het kort.

You just don't get it wrong with Rayo 2012. The board for allmost conditions and all levels. Forgiving mistakes and encouraging playing with freestyle moves. Rayo is just fun to ride upwind whether flat or choppy, wind or windish. Blend big rocker, fuller outline and optimized flex and enjoy riding with no exception!

Rayo 2012 has been upgraded with extra carbon-kevlar stringers to boost its high-performance abilities. The board became stiffer, which in turn made it more responsive and dynamic, adding to greater pop.

For comfort and ease the straps have been newly designed and given new, simpler mounting system. Inside part of the strap is wrapped with double neopren coat for more durability and comfort. Redesigned EVA moulded pads for more grip and control


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