Boards - Kite Gear - Zeeko Bhoot (3) 2012 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Zeeko Bhoot (3) (2012)

Bhoot (3) (2012)

De 2012 Zeeko Bhoot (3) in het kort.

For this year, the BHOOT is a versatile board of ZEEKO-KITES, in a complete new range of 3 sizes.
Adapted to all styles of navigation, each of the 3 BHOOT sizes was specifically developed according the size and weight of the rider.
Thanks to a unique shape and high-performance equipment, the BHOOT allows you to progress in freestyle as well as in freeride.
Equipment: 3D ergonomical pads /adjustable straps / handle / set of 5,4cm fins.
The BHOOT has an asymmetric outline: the toeside edge is more rounded than the heelside edge. This configuration allows a better feeling , toeside for wave-riding and heelside for freestyle.
The board scoop is refined and stretched out between the feet to facilitate the start ( with the board in a flat position), and more bended on the extremities for a maximum comfort.
3D Top: the R&D team developed a specific design for the top of the board. The tips are super flexible, perfect for waves, comfort and landing. The center of the board is more rigid, giving you a lot of pop for the freestyle tricks. Gloss Finish.
100% High quality wood core, multi-axial fiber.
The wood core of the BHOOT board is the best ratio between weight and solidity.
3 sizes:
-134 x 40cm
-135 x 41cm
-137 x 42cm



Statistieken sessielogs totaaloverzicht

maten sessies dagen* uren tijd gem wind min wind wind max
135/41 cm 42 42
104u 2:28u 8 kn 17.2 - 26.7 kn 50 kn

*Procenten geven het percentage aan van de dagen er gekite werd.
**Het totaal van het aantal sessies waar 1 of meerdere gegevens van onbreken.
***Totaal aantal sessie-aankondigingen die nog niet omgezet zijn in een sessie.

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