Airush DNA (2009)
De 2009 Airush DNA in het kort.
The secret to the Airush DNA performance is its hybrid design, which offers optimized relaunch, depower, and safety characteristics. The real innovation, though, is the absolute simplicity and unbelievable performance that makes the DNA perfect for either the first time buyer or the advanced rider looking for ultimate ease-of-use.
The secret to the DNA’s performance is its hybrid design, which offers optimized relaunch, depower, and safety characteristics. The real innovation, though, is the absolute simplicity and unbelievable performance that makes the DNA perfect for either the first time buyer or the advanced rider looking for ultimate ease-of-use.
For 2009 we have radically improved the strap Depower system, allowing ease of Depower still with a long – safe Depower range (bar throw). With the Airush DNA performance, we have reduced bar pressure on the larger sizes through refinement of bridle and canopy geometry. In addition, the relaunch has been improved through an increase in canopy curve. Due to its primary use being in schools with entry-level rider and wave specialists alike, the DNA features significant frame and general reinforcement. The 3 strut configuration makes the DNA a leader in simplicity and performance.
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Airush DNA 2009
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