Kites - Kite Gear - Airush Halo 2006 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Airush Halo (2006)

Halo (2006)
Halo (2006)

De 2006 Airush Halo in het kort.

Airush's new Halo kite is a second generation BOW Kite; developed specifically for intermediate to advanced riders looking for increased security, depower, and efficiency.

The Halo combines Airush's legendary profiles and shaping techniques with a focus on reduced bar pressure, increased upwind ability and stability. It also features an optimized bridle configuration for maximum ease of use, and safety.

Turning characteristics are optimized by increased vertical components in the wingtip and flexible wingtip strut connection points.

The bar system features a 1-2 purchase on the outside flying lines, this ensures that the bar can be reached once released. In addition this feature improves the turning characteristics.

A load return system assists in minimizing bar load as the kite is sheeted out. This returns the bar to the base of the depower line if the kite is crashed.




t Coraaltje IJmuidenIJmuiden aan zee
KiteboardshopHoek van Holland
Euro Funcenter OostvoorneOostvoorne
Euro Funcenter ZevenhuizenZevenhuizen
Intersurf SneekSneek
Windsurfing RenesseRenesse
Kitesurfwinkel.nlBergen op Zoom

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