Airush Wave (2013)
De 2013 Airush Wave in het kort.
Specifically designed for one thing only, the Airush Wave is the ultimate choice for serious surf riders. Making the Airush Wave unique from others in its class is the Bullet Proof Construction, ensuring stability and strength throughout the entire canopy, the Wave manages all the abuse that Mother Nature and you, the rider, can throw at it. The Wave features excellent drifting capabilities absolutely necessary for riding in and out of critical sections. The large surface area in the wingtips creates a kite that steers quickly, while the SL-C shape and reduced LE diameter ensure smooth power delivery during bottom turns and allows the kite to fly forward in the window, enhancing the unhooked performance. The Airush Wave is perfection for all types of surf riding.
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Airush Wave 2013
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Wie vaart hiermee?
136 gasten 1 lid
Uitsluitend strapless waveboards, ik heb nog een freerace board voor bij de VXR en een oude Mako.