Kites - Kite Gear - Blade Trigger 2011 - Reviews & Informatie - Community

Blade Trigger (2011) starstarstarstar

Trigger (2011)

De 2011 Blade Trigger in het kort.

The Blade team has revolutionized the kiteboarding world when it has introduced new concepts like Reflex Relaunch or Isolated Bridle System. The 2011 Trigger uses this new technology and it is enhanced to offer an excellent all round performance. The SLE Hybrid shape and aerodynamic profile make it very agile and fast, while the three strut configuration combined with the four line setup assure extra maneuverability and improved steering. The great thing about the Blade trigger is that it is reliable and efficient in any wind and wave conditions and can be used without any effort by any type of rider at a multitude of styles.

● One Pump inflation system
● Four line setup
● Dynamic maneuverability
● Huge wind range
● All round performance
● Smart Protect for extra durability

The Blade Trigger is the perfect choice if you are looking for a kite that does it all. The Blade team has put a lot of hard work and passion in the development of this kite, to make sure that it covers a multitude of styles, that can be used by all riders, regardless of skill level, and that it can perform outstanding in all conditions. The LE shape and bridlei assures that the rider has a dynamic and direct control over the kite no matter how fast he runs or what tricks he performs.  Blade has enhanced the low end power of the kite, so now it has plenty of pop for more aggressive moves and a higher top speed.

The Trigger is enhanced with the IBS – Isolated Bridle System developed by Blade, just like the other kites from the 2011 lineup. This system assures a direct and accurate control, positive feedback in the bar and assures a quick total depoweri. Also, just like the Vertigo and Prime it is enhanced with the innovative Reflex Relaunch feature, so even beginner riders can use the kite without effort. Additional safety is added by the use of the Swivel Dome which has the efficiency of a chicken loopi and swivel mixed with a safety release in one system. A three strut configuration increases the maneuverability and allows the rider to perform fast and tight turns and rotations. Turns and rotations are smooth and safe due to the new Turning Axis used by Blade on the Trigger. The innovative design called Rider-Centric Design Paradigm on which the kite has been developed assure that the kite performs great at a multitude of styles and suits all riders, regardless of skill level.

If you are looking for the all in one kite that can be used for freeride, wakestyle, freestyle, wave riding and even racing and can fly in a large wind range, look no more because the 2011 Trigger has arrived. It is available in 3 to 14 square meters sizes and covers a 10 up to over 40 knots wind speed.



14-25 knopen

Lowend 20 knopen



KiteoutletLaren (NH)

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1 Review(s) en gedeelde ervaringen voor de Blade Trigger 2011
Wil je ook je ervaring met dit product delen?

Review door brian op 04/04/2012

Geteste maten:
7 90kg 20 Niet getest
10 90kg 14 25

Heb niet veel vergelijkingsmateriaal, dus hou 't maar kort.
De kwaliteit is gewoon wat je verwacht van een kite van vandaag en er is niks raars mee.
Springen doet ie prima en hij springt wel wat verticaler dan bepaalde kites en de pull met springen is normaal - redelijk snel, mits je het goed doet.
Upwind nooit problemen mee gehad en de low-end is ook super.
Depower is ook goed ookal doe ik dit nooit via de strap op de bar. Vond de 10 iets moeilijker hoog springen in dicht bij z'n high-end, dan de 7. Maar dat is vrij normaal. Kon ook aan m'n techniek van toen liggen.
De veiligheid gaf ik een iets lager cijfer, omdat hij het wel goed doet, maar in de high-end trekt hij nog best hard. En de safety is wat moeilijker te trekken met koudere temperaturen.

Overall een erg leuke kite waar je vanalles mee kan. Je kan er prima mee beginnen, maar ook als je wat gevorderder bent blijft hij erg leuk! Ben wel van plan om deze kites gewoon op te varen. De prijs kwaliteit verhouding van Blade is goed te noemen.

High-end van de 10m ben ik nog niet echt tegengekomen, die ligt wel wat hoger.
Die van de 7 ben ik ook nog niet tegengekomen.


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