Cabrinha Drifter (2012)
De 2012 Cabrinha Drifter in het kort.
In the break away sector of Kite Surfing, there is one kite which hides its technology behind its simplicity. The Drifter's minimal 3 strut design both hides and illuminates its brilliance. The three well placed struts keep the profile of the kite intact through constant angle of attack changes while reducing the weight. This light weight but durable kite is dedicated to surf, yet it shines as a freestyle kite for wakeskating, skimboarding or flat water freestyle. While surfing hooked or unhooked the Drifter makes the most of its excellent slack line drift ability. Slack line drift is the kite's ability to stay aloft even when the lines are temporarily slackened by depowering. But the Drifter's main beauty lies in its simplicity. We've pushed the complicated technology into the background so that all you have to think about is how you're going to tear apart the next wave.
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Cabrinha Drifter 2012
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